Improving the quality of life in our communities.

“Alone, we can do so little;

together, we can do so much.”

-Helen Keller

Our Mission

Improving quality of life within our surrounding communities by using our outreach program to assist those in need.

Housing Needs

This fund is used to assist with people who are needing help with housing issues. We focus on Veterans, Recently Handicapped & Elderly persons who cannot afford the accommodations needed to live comfortably. Whether it’s as simple as fixing a furnace in the winter, or as complex as remodeling a home to improve quality of life for an individual or family struggling with a medical problem.

Unrestricted Funds

These Funds will be directly redistributed within your community to assist those in need of direct assistance. These funds will be used to improve the quality of life for hardworking people that need just a little help with bills, or for families experiencing emergencies that are beyond their financial security. The flexibility of your unrestricted donations allow for us to respond to the community’s most pressing needs, today and in the future.

Field Of Interest

These Funds will be distributed to a interest of your choice within your community. Whether it be community development, at risk children, drug and alcohol awareness, mental health, schooling etc. you specify where you would like your gift to go, and our board will reward an annual grant to community groups and programs in the area of your choice.


Do you know someone in need?
Please give us their contact information, and let us know how we can help.


We are always in need of assistance.
If you want to join our foundation, please send us a message.


A recurring donation that will be added to our Unrestricted Funds

How We Help